You may not have seen it. If not, it is a BBC drama about midwifery practice, in the 1950’s and 1960’s, in the setting of an Anglican convent in the East End of London. For a better backstory, have a look on Wikipedia or this recent BBC article.
You might not like Call the Midwife. Some may find the narrative and plot-lines too simple or saccharine. There are babies being born, challenges amongst the nuns, and young nurses doing their best.
I could imagine that one might place this drama in the ‘Marmite’ zone – like it or loathe it! I have watched every single episode. over thirteen series, since 2012. I love it. This telly show is a well written drama, with good acting and engaging stories. However the main reason that I enjoy Call the Midwife is more about faith – discipleship – response to Christ.
In every episode – seemingly laser-focussed at Christmas – there are realistic depictions of humanity at its best and worst. Lives of normal people are broken, usually through poverty, circumstances and often poor choices or (realistically) lack of choices.
To counter this, hope-filled kindness comes from many quarters. The light seeps through the cracks. Community is the underlying theme that reaches out a hand, and draws in the lost and lonely.
There is nothing especially unique about this dramatic approach to the telling of life stories. The plot can be predictable, and the characters project themselves into the story in ways that could be anticipated. Babies are usually a metaphor for good news, but not always. And a bunch of nuns and nurses are unlikely to always ‘get it right’. Smiling faces are usually present in the final scenes!
And yet….
In nearly every episode I have witnessed the possibility that human frailty, in every colour and form, can be acknowledged, embraced and known, through love, kindness and acceptance. Remorse and forgiveness are given a chance on that glorious road to redemption.
Grace. That is what I see in Call the Midwife.
Image: Season 11 promo pic, borrowed from here