Barbara Changes

January 2019

I’ve had Barbara for nearly a year now and it’s time for some change!

Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 115228

This little tree has had its ups and downs…. losing all its leaves on more than one occasion, and even being laughed at… well, sort of!

I have regularly removed ‘dead’ wood to promote growth in the past, but now I want to remove the lower branches to alter the shape and form, and to hopefully promote further growth as well.

I normally use a little pair of scissors for minor change but have now opted for some unused, Japanese secateurs (Niwaki) which I got as a free gift with the last Gardener’s World subscription! I’ve had them ages but now they have a purpose. Hurrah!

Which branches though? The lowest two, I think, which are sparse in both leaf and character (know the feeling!).

Ok, clean blades, and snippy snippy job done!

Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 115735Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 115622

Tidy up other bits of non-growing wood and …. ta da!

IMHO Barbara looks much better.

Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 120741

I shall take her with me to my next Bonsai class at the John Hanby Bonsai School, at the end of January. And if anyone laughs at or diminishes Barbara in any way…. they will be introduced to alternative uses for their pruning tools!

Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 113628

Niwaki Okatsune secateurs

Photo 12 Jan 2019 at 115140

Some small scissors I found!

And that’s about all I have to say about that, for now.

Thank you for listening.