Goodbye to Tree

Planted in 1970 when Marlene moved here.
Slow growth over the years…. then lots! Now too big, a bit of a hazard, and unpopular with others.

Monkey Puzzle.
Araucaria Araucana.
You were a gift to bless this house.
We have often cursed your spikiness.
Yet you are a beautiful tree and many have marvelled at your size and shape!
Sadly the time has come to harvest your wood, and make way for a new tree-life.
Thank you for the beauty you have given to the world.
We say goodbye as you go to your rest.

FYI Pruning is not feasible, as re-growth is rapid. Currently at the roof-line and tapping on windows, and brushing phone lines. The shape would be compromised for the sake of keeping it… to keep on growing.

It’s very sad and we had a little ceremony… and another tree will be planted. Nature is full of hope….and so are we.