Sermon: Living Water

What will we do if we cannot be together – for a while?
We will continue living our Christian life, that’s what we will do – expressing love and compassion, seeking fellowship – pouring the grace and salvation of Jesus into the places we inhabit …. As we always try to do, as we always hope to do…. Pray to do…. For that is who we are – the disciples that we are called to be.

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Sermon: Return Transformed

Christmas 1 (Year C) Wakefield Cathedral, December 29th 2019 Happy Christmas to you all. Well, for a while now you have enjoyed the wisdom of […]

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Sermon: Discipleship Now!

Trinity 2 (Year B) Wakefield Cathedral, 30th June 2019   I have often lamented the fact that we don’t have more Old Testament readings. They […]

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Sermon: Get Ready!

Second Before Advent (Year B)Wakefield Cathedral, 18th November 2018 This Sunday is the penultimate Sunday of the church year. Next week, completes the year with […]

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There were lots of stars…at night

Seriously there are! Sitting out on a balcony of the Riu Touareg in Boa Vista, looking South, out across the Atlantic, with minimal light pollution, […]

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The Ita Compline

Appropriate for the Eve of Trinity Sunday…… The Sacred Three to save, to shield to surround the hearth the home, this night and every night. […]

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