Trust in God.
Choose Life.
All will be well…
Tag: Luke
Good News Today!
To whom would you speak truth to power…?
Continue readingWhere I Belong…
Are we where we’re meant to be…?
Continue readingAnd What Should WE Do?
I love Baptisms…. And Advent!
Continue readingRejoice …!
What was lost, is now found.
Continue readingSermon: 18th after Trinity
Prayer: the Unpredictable Mystery!
Continue readingSermon: 8th after Trinity (Proper 14)
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
Continue readingSermon: 4th after Trinity
For truly, I tell you…. If it is not about love, then it is is not about God.
Continue readingSermon: 2nd after Trinity
Pay attention to the world around you and those in need – and yes, to your own needs, as a human being!
Continue readingSermon: Trinity Sunday
In the days to come, I double-dare you to share your understanding of the Trinity with someone – anyone!
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