Woodland Spirituality

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

The Day

@SpiritinMind initiative, Spring 2022

17 NHS SWYT staff attending one day course held at @yspsculpture

Leader: Gisela Hoyle, Forest School Practitioner

• Introductions – each other – groups (Acorns, Daisies & Mushrooms)

• Walk to collect times – twig/feather

• Return, regroup & refreshments and then

• Long walk to lake and tree-shelter – ‘reawakening’

• Collecting….

• Trust Moment – blindfold, led to tree, away and then find it again!

• Poetry…. And readings!

• Quick walk back to lunch

• Classroom – then outside for game….

• Clay-Play – making stuff!

• Final reflection…..

Poem – The Big Beech Tree

Mighty Mysteries

Deep Down and Within.

Crevice and Branch

Limbs and Fingers.

Richly Rich in

Richness of Life.

Sky Above

Like Tendrils, Arteries

Beast or Benign.

Mightily Marvellous

Sentinel of Life.